Sporting Trials Championship 2025


Sporting Regulations General:

1.1 Title and Jurisdiction
The Championship is organised and administered by the BTRDA® Ltd., in accordance with the General Championship Prescriptions of the Motorsports UK and these Championship Regulations. The Championship is subject to the General BTRDA® Championship Rules.

1.2 Officials
1.2.1 Championship Scorer: Andrew Woodhead, Green Holme, Melmerby, Cumbria, CA101HB
1.2.2 Eligibility Scrutineer: Mike Harris
1.2.3 Championship Stewards: See BTRDA® General Championship Rules.

1.3 Competitor Eligibility
1.3.1 Drivers must be registered in the Championship and be in possession of a valid Motorsports UK Competition License, minimum RS Clubman. Passenger must also hold minimum RS Clubman License.

1.4 Registration
1.4.1 Registration is by completing the form attached to these regulations which must be sent, with the appropriate membership and championship registration fees to Mr Paul Price, 12 Thirlmere Close, Tettenhall, Wolverhampton, WV6 9DG or completing online at
1.4.2 The Championship registration does not guarantee an entry to qualifying events and the BTRDA® cannot enter into any correspondence or discussion on the matter of event entries.

1.5 Championship Calendar
1.5.1 The Calendar of Events qualifying for the Championship will follow the calendar year.
1.5.2 A provisional list of qualifying events can be found at . Any changes will be published in The iClear Round, BTRDA NEWS, and/or

1.6 Driver Classes
1.6.1 In each Championship event there will be 4 driver classes, Red, Blue, Rookie and Post Historic.
a) Red drivers, drivers from the top half of the Independent and live axle challenge by average score from the previous year, which also Includes all past winners of the Motorsport UK and BTRDA championships with the option to opt out 15 years after the last time they won a Motorsport UK or BTRDA championships.
b) Blue Drivers, drivers from the bottom half of the Independent and live axle challenge by average from the previous year.
c) Rookies, drivers who have not completed in 12 events at the start of the championship year.
d) All drivers with eligible for cars running to the HSTA car formula.
Drivers may appeal to the Committee, who retain the right to re-classify any driver at any point during the championship year.

1.7 Championship Classes and Scoring
1.7.1 In each Championship event 30 marks will be awarded to the winner, 29 to second, and 28 to third and so on in Clubmans Classification.
1.7.2 Events to count in deciding qualification positions, 50% of the qualifying rounds run in the championship year, rounded up to a whole trial + 1 event.
1.7.3 Ties will be decided using the same method as the Motorsport UK Sporting Trials Championship.
1.7.4 Season Challenge,
a) Independent Expert (Red),
b) Independent Intermediate (Blue),
c) Live Axle Expert (Red),
d) Live Axle Intermediate (Blue),
e) Rookie.
f) Post Historic Class – eligible for cars running to the HSTA car formula.
1.7.5 Contenders will only be awarded points once they have registered for the championship, points will not be backdated.

1.8 Championship Final
1.8.1 At the conclusion of each Championship Year the BTRDA® will arrange a Championship Final at a venue and on a date to be announced.
1.8.2 This Championship Final will be held under the GCR’s and SSR’s and such Regulations and instructions as may be required.
1.8.3 A maximum of 65 invitations will be issued to;
a) 50 Competitors who qualify.
b) 5 Competitors from the Northern Ireland STCC Championship .
c) 10 Past BTRDA Sporting Trials Gold Star Champions – by invitation of the committee.
1.8.4 Qualification for the Championship Final is as follows;
a) Drivers will be divided into two class Gold and Silver, the number in each class is based on the ratio of Red drivers to Blue + Rookie drivers in the current championship registrations.
b) Gold Star® Category - Drivers who’s average is in the top half of the overall championship scores; your average score will be taken from your best 5 scores, plus 3 “A Class” drivers from the STCC championship.
c) Silver Star® Category - Drivers who’s average is in the bottom half of the overall championship scores; your average score will be taken from your best 5 scores. Plus 2 “B class” drivers from the STCC championship.
1.8.5 All Red class Independent drivers are only able to take part in the Gold star®.
1.8.6 In the event of the Gold® or Silver® star being over subscribed drivers will be placed on a reserves list, this list is ranked and invited by competitors who have taken part in the most number of qualifying rounds during the year.
1.8.7 The committee reserve the right to move an entrant from the Gold Star® to Silver Star® or Silver Star® to the Gold Star®
1.8.8 Must have started a minimum of 5 BTRDA® Sporting Trial qualifying rounds, drivers of the STCC must have started a minimum of 3 BTRDA® qualifying rounds, of which 2 are STCC rounds, or started in 2 rounds and been Clerk of the Course for 1. Must also have started 2 STCC club events which are non BTRDA rounds.
1.8.9 Past winners of a BTRDA Sporting Trial Gold Star® are invited to compete in the Gold Star® by invitation of the committee, these competitors must be a BTRDA member and join the sporting trials championship for the following season.
1.8.10 Drivers who finished within the top 15 of last years Gold Star® are only eligible to qualify for the Gold Star®

1.9 Championship Final Awards
1.9.1 Open to all Qualifying Competitors in the Championship Final:
a) Champion – The Gold Star® and an award
b) Winner’s Passenger – Bouncers Cushion and an award.
1.9.2 Gold Star® Category Awards - Open only to those who qualify in the Gold Star® Category:
a) Runner Up - The Fack Brothers Trophy and an award
b) Third Place - Lol Hurt Trophy and an award
1.9.3 Silver Star® Category Awards - Open only to those qualifying in the Silver Star® Category:
a) Winner – Norman Overton Trophy and an award
b) Winner’s passenger – An award
c) Second place – Rex Chappell Trophy and an award
d) Third place - Bernard Dees Trophy and an award
1.9.4 Live Axle Awards- Open only to those qualifying in a solid beam axle car to be awarded in addition to any overall awards:
a) Highest place finisher in Gold Star® - Sydney Allard Trophy and an award
b) Highest place finisher in Silver Star® - The Allard Junior Trophy and an award
1.9.5 Additional Championship Final Awards – open to all qualifying competitors in the Championship Final
d) Best Northern Irelander – FE Lawrence Trophy and an award.
e) Kemp-Lewis Maturity Cup and an award presented to the competitor whose age on 1st Jan of the championship year is deducted from his/her Score at the Championship Final. Lowest net score to win. In the event of a tie the oldest driver will win. Only competitors who declare their age on the BTRDA® Membership form are eligible for this award,
f) Bill Pinkney Memorial Trophy and an award to the highest placed debutant at the Final.
g) An award for the highest place Post Historic Car.
1.9.6 Trophies may be retained for nine months from the date of the official presentation, providing they are collected at that function, or the BTRDA® Luncheon, by the member in person.

2.0 Season Awards
a) A Crested Spoon – to the Championship entrant finishing highest in general classification in each of the qualifying events.
b) Best Event Award – a trophy to the Motor Club, which in the opinion of the Championship Committee organised the best event qualifying for the Championship.
c) The Ian Bell Trophy – and an award to the competitor who scored the highest total points taken from all qualifying events.
d) The Tulleys Trophy – and an award to the highest placed competitor in the Red Independent Class.
e) Pat Thornton Trophy and an award - to the highest placed competitor in the Red Live axle Class
f) The Ron Faulkner Challenge Trophy – and an award. - to the highest qualifier in the Blue Independent Class.
g) Peter Highwood Trophy and an award to the highest placed competitor in the Blue Live axle Class
h) The Colin Taylor ‘Rookie of the Year’ Award. This will be awarded to the highest qualifier in the Rookie Class
I) The David Render Bouncer’s Trophy – and an award. This will be awarded to the ‘Bouncer’ scoring the most points in Qualifying Events (irrespective of driver), and to rule 1.7.2. Scoring is based upon drivers class position. 10points for a win, 9 for 2nd and so on down to one for starting.
j) The Mike Harrison Memorial Trophy – and an award. Chosen by the committee to recognize an outstanding contribution to the sport.
k) Post Historic award -This will be awarded to the highest qualifier in the Post Historic Class.
l) Best Southerner – Ian Mackenzie and an award.
m) Best Northerner – Cuth Harrison Trophy and an award.
n) Best Midlander – Lew Tracey Memorial Trophy and an award.
Awards L,M,N listed above will be taken from all competitors qualifying scores.

3.0 General Rules
3.0.1 Competitors must attempt to negotiate observed sections non-stop, There is a 3 second allowance for the competitor to regain forward motion on an uphill climb where the car must have at least 1 wheel rotating in a forward direction, with no rearward motion of the car, Marshal to count “and 1 and 2 and 3”. Should a competitor stall the engine in a section this counts as a stop with no time allowance, with the exception of the engine stall occurring downhill and the car continues forward motion while the competitor restarts the engine there is no penalty.
3.0.2 The only permitted tyres to be used in any championship event are the Vredestein T-Trac 2, Maxxis MA-510N, Yokohama GT Special Classic 350 and/or Nankang CX668 or any other permitted by the committee during the year due to availability.
3.0.3 Passengers are permitted to compete in a maximum of two vehicles as long as both vehicles are running within three cars of each other.
3.0.4 Drivers must produce their cars logbook at all events if requested
3.0.5 Differentials. To be eligible to score points and participate in Gold and Silver Star Final, cars must achieve a breakout torque figure no greater than 15kg when subjected to The Sharp Dynamic Test. Eligible cars will have their differential sealed by the application of a red seal(s). During the season random tests may be undertaken using either The Sharp Dynamic Test, or when not practical to do so by the Lever Arm Test. Full details are provided in Appendix 1.

It is recommended that all competing cars carry an appropriate fire extinguisher



Stuart Beare (Chairperson), Tulleys Farm, Turners Hill, Crawley, West Sussex RH10 4PD Tel 07850404824 [email protected]  

Richard Sharp (Vice Chairperson), Grove Cottage, Melbourne, York, YO42 4SX Tel 07919 441775 [email protected] 

Sue Underwood (Secretary) [email protected] 

Julian Fack (Training Days), Orchard Farm, Shareshill, Nr Wolverhampton, WV10 7LE 07812 108588 [email protected] 

Andrew Woodhead (Championship Scorer), Green Holme, Melmerby, Cumbria, CA10 1HB 07866 611282 [email protected]  

Sandy Veale (Communication and Media), 20 Highfield Drive, Portishead, Bristol, BS20 8JD 07870 501919 [email protected] 

Appendix 1. 

Differential Eligibility – Test Procedures and Sealing. 

For 2024 the Breakout Torque limit is set at 15kg.  Differentials, when tested, must achieve a breakout torque figure no greater than 15kg as measured by the Sharp Dynamic Test.  At any time during the course of the championship retesting and/or random testing will be undertaken by the Lever Arm Test. Differentials will be tested and sealed according to the following procedures. 


The Sharp Dynamic Test. 

The Sharp Dynamic Test measures the resistance of the subject vehicle’s differential by applying variable load across the driven axle via an electro-mechanical process and electrically recording the torque at the wheel hub to a computer. 

The Lever Arm Test. 

The Lever Arm test involves two rollers, a calibrated lever and a pre-determined weight which is allowed to fall signifying a breakaway of less than 15kg, if the lever fails to fall the test has failed signifying a breakout resistance greater than 15kg. 


The load difference across the axle when one wheel is revolving and one stationary. 


When both wheels are turning the load difference or resistance across the axle that causes one wheel to stop revolving. 

Breakout Torque Limit 

The torque resistance measured across the rear wheels must not exceed 15kg @ 44.25”(165.4nm/122.0lbs/ft under breakout or drag conditions.)  

1. The Sharp Dynamic Test 

1.1. Test Procedure 

Tests can only take place on cars that are presented "as driven on the hills". 

No parts may be disconnected or removed without the consent of the tester. 

Note : brake pads are sometimes levered back or removed at the discretion of the tester. 

1.2. Method. 

Trials cars will be presented for testing as they would compete on the hills at normal operating temperature with two bar pressure in the rear tyres. 

The car will be fitted with wheels that are able to carry the "drive spiders"  

These can be "pool" wheels or the owner may supply their own set. 

The test will be carried out with the tyres inflated to two bar pressure so as to reduce drag. 

The rear wheels of the car will be placed on free running rollers and the drive spiders will be connected to the equipment. 

The driver will be asked to start the rear wheels turning using an engine speed and gear of their choice. 

Various loads will be applied either or both of the rear wheels for a time not exceeding two minutes. 

The loads generated will be recorded and stored on computer. 

A car that produces a pass result at the first attempt will be considered to have passed the test. 

A car that does not produce a pass result at the first attempt will have to produce two consecutive pass results to be deemed to have passed.  

Any car not achieving a pass result as outlined above within six tests in total will be deemed a "fail" and will be unable to score championship points until a suitable test result is achieved. 

Only the current test results are considered for testing purposes, a competitor may NOT refer back to a test result recorded at an earlier time. 

1.3. Sealing. 

Upon achieving a pass result from the Sharp Dynamic Test, the differential will be sealed into the car using one or more approved RED numbered seals. The seal MUST be fitted BEFORE the car leaves the test site, failure for this to happen will result in the car having to be re tested.  

Note: - The ultimate responsibility for being able to suitably fit the seal at the time of the test rests entirely with the owner of the car. 

"One or more seals"  

Certain designs of transaxles allow the differential to be fitted from either side as the tester is unable to determine which side the diff has been fitted from then both sides will be sealed (eg Hewland MK9). 

2.0. Integrity of the seals. 

Due to the nature of the sport it is quite feasible that the seal may become damaged or broken it is the owners responsibility to keep an up to date record of the seals integrity by either:- 

a) Having the cars seal inspected by the event scrutineer and having the cars log book signed, stamped or punched stating that the cars seal was inspected on that date. 


b) Being able to produce a date and time stamped photograph taken by I-Phone or similar device clearly showing the integrity of the seal and the number on it. 

3.0. Re Testing. 

a) If a previously sealed car is presented for re testing or is found at any time with a broken, damaged or missing seal then the driver or drivers of said car will loose all points scored back to the last known and proved date the seal was intact. See Integrity of Seals above. 

b) If a seal needs to be broken/remove for maintenance purposes this is acceptable but a) will apply. 

c) On request by the owner a Blue numbered seal may be fitted without a test taking place. 

d) On request of the BTRDA Trials Committee. 

However, it must be noted that: - A blue seal is considered "temporary" and can only be used to score a maximum of 60 championship points, in any class, before a test by the Sharp Dynamic Test becomes mandatory. 

All points scored while the blue seal is fitted will be deemed provisional until a re-test by the Sharp Dynamic Test is successfully completed. 

A car when re tested MUST pass the test within the first six attempts or all points scored while running on a blue seal will be lost. 

If a car is presented for re testing and the Red seal is intact but is unable to produce a pass result as outlined above, all points scored up to the time of the re test will be retained but the car will no longer be eligible to score points until a suitable test result is achieved.  

4.0. The Lever Arm Test 

Random testing will take place at events throughout the year by means of The Lever Arm Test. (40Kg @ 44.25" with a breakaway no greater than 15Kg @ 44.25" or 165.4nm/122.0lbs/ft)  

It should be noted that: - 

a) A red seal CANNOT be obtained from a Lever Arm Test result. 

b) Cars that fail the lever test will have the red seal removed and a blue seal fitted and c) above will apply.